Thursday, November 24, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

A king worth following

The more I study the book of Matthew, the more personal this sacrifice of Jesus appears to me. We've been having weeks of Precepts... one evening a week, it's not been easy. It involves one hour of homework 5 days a week. Yet studying Matthew's gospel, I really feel like I've been walking beside Jesus, watching how He interacts with people, how He serves, how He loves.

His call is getting more personal: Will you come follow me? Will you take up this cross? Will you lay your agendas down and take up mine?

It's been making me consider everything in "Kingdom perspective". Am I building my home on Earth or in Heaven? Do I really believe that the first will be last and the last will be first. All these precious truths have been set before me time and time again. I think it's time for us to take a look at ourselves and ask if we're really disciples of Christ. Do we want to follow this King? It will change our lives completely. It's also the best decision we could possibly make.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This closes the debate...

None can be used in formal writing with either a singular or a plural verb depending on context. This topic has been amply discussed in the following usage note from American Heritage Dictionary.

Usage Note: It is widely asserted that none is equivalent to no one, and hence requires a singular verb and singular pronoun: None of the prisoners was given his soup. It is true that none is etymologically derived from the Old English word ân, "one," but the word has been used as both a singular and a plural noun from Old English onward. The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible, Dryden, and Burke; and H.W. Fowler described the traditional rule as "a mistake." Either a singular or a plural verb is acceptably used in a sentence such as None of the conspirators has (or have) been brought to trial. When none is modified by almost, however, it is difficult to avoid treating the word as a plural: Almost none of the officials were (not was) interviewed by the committee. None can only be plural in its use in sentences such as None but his most loyal supporters believe (not believes) his story.

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Experiencing God

Walking with God involves a relationship with God, not a method. Throughout the scriptures, God takes the initiative to invite His people to participate in His work. God is more likely to ask us to follow Him one day at a time rather than spell out all the details before we begin to obey. Our primary concern should not be "what should I do with my life tomorrow?" but "what does God want me to do today?". If we follow Jesus one day at a time, we will be right in the centre of God's will for our lives. God then reveals His activity and invites us to participate.

George Muller - in entering a heart relationship with God and discerning His voice

1. Get my heart into a state that it has no will of its own In regard to a given matter. (Instead, ready to follow God's will)

2. Do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression.

3. Seek the will of God through, or in connection with, the word of God.

4. Take into account providential circumstances.

5. Ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.

6. Through prayer, study of the Word and reflection, I come to a judgement according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is this at peace, and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Who's this pretty lady?

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hi everyone,

I want to say thank you to those who have been putting in effort for this alpha event, ultimate questions, especially those who took the courage to invite their friends. I remember telling you guys that you'd be in charge of the games an that I'd only be focusing on the teaching part, and that's exactly what you guys did, you took care of everything else.

Honestly, I think there's still room for improvement in the way we welcome our guests. I hope that in time, we'll learn to be less shy and more proactive in talking to them. Still, I appreciate the hard work, the planning and execution of the event. Thanks, team, thanks Marcus and Wee Theng.

Let's continue to pray for the friends who came, the friends who wanted to come but couldn't, and the friends we're hoping to invite in the future. Let's also learn to have a passion for God's glory to be spread throughout the Earth.

Father, we hope our feeble attempt at evangelism was pleasing to you. Move the hearts of the friends who came. Show yourself to them and open their spiritual eyes to make them understand their need for your grace and forgiveness. Thank you for using us in all our weakness. Continue to guide us to live for your glory. Use us to lead the people around us to Christ.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Effervescence Yalpha (9th July)

Alright guys, here's the run down of what's going to happen on Saturday! :)
First off though, I'd like to apologize that its so late :/

The day will go on as listed,
Introduction » Games » Dinner » Talk
(Explanation of games will come last, Please read if you have time to familiarise yourself with the games)

1.Introduction  (3.30pm to 4pm)
The introduction is basically made up of 3 separate icebreaker games which will be played in the order listed,
a. One Truth One Lie (Patrizha)
b. Blow Wind Blow
c. Musical Chairs (Nadia)

2.Games (4pm to 5.30pm)
Following the introduction is the games section,
a. Quack Quack game (Ian)
b. Dog and Bone (David)
c. Toxic waste

*Edit: Name of GameMasters have been added beside the name of the games!

3.Dinner (5.30pm to 6.30pm)
Dinner will basically be potluck,
The guys will prepare something, the girls will be something else (I am unsure about who does what though)
If you want to find out, please check with Pat(:

Edit: (Pat here.) Basically everyone is doing finger-food.
When we discussed last time, this is the list.
Guys: Burgers, Fries and Soup.
The people in charge of the above mentioned food is David and Zenas.I'm not sure whether you guys are meeting earlier to make it so you all discuss among yourselves.

Girls: Salad, Nuggets and Drinks.
I'm not sure if we're going to add more but we're preparing it at germaine's house before yalpha.

NOTE: Amount depends on how many people are attending altogether so we need to finalise it as soon as possible.

4.Talk (6.30pm to 7/7.30pm)
The talk will be handled by Germaine and Wee Theng,
I believe that a large part of the talk will be answering the questions which have been posted to them, so please get any questions your friends might have about Christianity and refer them to Nadia(:

With regards to logistics, we have yet to get any of the items we require,
Therefore, we'll be meeting on Thursday/Friday after school to get the items, I'll send out a text later regarding the matter.
Here's the list of items we require,
-Disposable Cups
-Disposable Plates
-Disposable Utensils
-Trash Bags
-Drink Dispenser [Bringing: Pat]
-Blindfold x1
-"Bone" / "Bones" (For dog and bone)
-Raffia String
-Plastic Cup/Mug
-Ping Pong Balls x10
-Buckets/Pails x4 [Bringing: Ryan (2), Kai li (1),] *one more required!
-Music (Laptop + Speakers, etc.)

Edit: Hat and writing materials no longer needed(:

6.Game Explanation
Okay, from here, I'll be explaining all the games so that you guys are familiar with them.
*Edit: Name of GameMasters have been added beside the name of the games!

1a. One Truth One Lie (Patrizha)
- We'll be sitting in a circle, One person starts by saying out 2 statements, One being true, another a lie
- The rest of the group will then guess which statement is true, which is not
- After deliberating and guessing, the person will reveal which statement is true, which isn't
- This continues until everyone has had a turn

1b. Blow Wind Blow
- Everyone will still be sitting in a circle, except now, one person will be standing in the center
- The person in the center will start with the statement : "Blow Wind Blow"
- The rest of the group replies with "Blow what?"
- The person in the center continues with "Blow ...... (A fact)"  Eg. "Blow all the people who have siblings"
- Everyone to which the fact applies gets off their chairs and looks for another seat, with the person in the center also competing for a seat
- One person will be left in the center and the round starts again

1c. Musical Chairs (Nadia)
-Chairs in a circle less then the number of players
-Music will begin playing and all the players will be walking around the circle
-When the music stops, all players to compete for a seat
-Players left without a seat is eliminated
-This continues until one person is left

2a. Quack Quack Game (Is still a little unsure about this game) (Ian)
- Everyone will be in a circle, with one person in the middle
- The person in the middle will be blindfolded (and spun)
- He/She will approach someone, then will have to guess who that person is through requesting they make the sound of a certain animal (Etc. "What sound does a cow make")
- The game proceeds with someone else being blindfolded

2b. Dog and Bone (David)
- The group will be split into two teams, on either side with a 'bone' in the center
- The members of each group will number themselves off
- The Gamemaster will continue by shouting a number(s) (Through an equation/ Just the number)
- The members whose number corresponds with the number shouted will run for the bone, pick it up, and return to their side of the field
- If in possession of the bone, and is tapped, the person will have to drop the bone and is eliminated
- Once back to their side of the field with the 'bone' in hand, a point is scored

2c. Toxic Waste
- Two separate teams will have two buckets/pails each
- One pail will be filled with water and ping pong balls, the other empty
- Every member of the group will be attached to a plastic cup/mug with the use of raffia string
- The aim is the get from the end with the empty pail, to the one which is filled, collect a ping pong ball into the cup/mug without touching the cup, and deposit it back at the empty pail
- The game will be controlled with a time limit, After time is up, the team with more ping pong balls in the empty pail wins

7. Final points
I will be sending out a message soon regarding Yalpha.
Basically, the message will be about you availability on either Thursday/Friday to get the logistics,
Whether or not you are confirmed coming on Saturday and the number of friends you're bringing,
And lastly, Whether or not you are okay with being a Gamemaster for one/two of the games.

p.s. If there is any error in the post, please feel free to correct me. You can also contact me if you have any queries but I might take a while to reply =x

Remember to keep praying for the friends you want to bring along, as well as for the event itself!(:


Friday, June 24, 2011


Oh well, somewhere in between waiting for Marcus to post a few slightly (ahem) embarrassing videos and dawdling during the holidays (also due to my laziness) this blog has startlingly(or rather, unsurprisingly) fallen stagnant for more than a month.

Feeling guilty however I decided to post, not that I have much to post anyway.

In fact I have nothing.

Except a few pieces of information that anyone reading should know already.

But heck, lets have them anyway.

First up, youth alpha is coming, and I suppose we all should be inviting a few people here and there, and praying for those that we find it hard to invite, and for those that we don't find it hard to invite as well actually..

Um, cg this Saturday if I'm not horribly misinformed somewhere along the line should be in Germaine's house in admiralty. So we should be meeting at Admiralty station tomorrow at 2.15 if nothing goes horribly wrong. Yay.

Lastly but not leastly. Uh. Last but not least, Germaine has finished her tour of duty or whatever you call it in Xi An and is now in Hong Kong, doing some, touristing or visiting a friend, whichever you prefer. She will be back next week, thursday at about 730pm. Anyone free then?

So thats it for now, and I hope that none of you have keeled over at my horrible misguided attempts at keyboard humour, Cheers.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Matthew 16:24

Good day! :)

I was just thinking of this verse:
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. - Matthew 16:24

Clarke's commentary on this verse:

Will come after me - i.e. to be my disciple. This discourse was intended to show Peter and the rest of the disciples the nature of his kingdom; and that the honor that cometh from the world was not to be expected by those who followed Christ.

The principles of the Christian life are:
1. To have a sincere desire to belong to Christ - If any man be willing to be my disciple, etc.
2. To renounce self-dependence, and selfish pursuits - Let him deny himself.
3. To embrace the condition which God has appointed, and bear the troubles and difficulties he may meet with in walking the Christian road - Let him take up His Cross.
4. To imitate Jesus, and do and suffer all in his spirit - Let him follow Me.

"The honour that comes from the world was not to be expected by those who followed Christ."

I think sometimes we (or at least myself) can get too caught up in trying to find approval from the world.
We want to have people like us, we want to be "accepted" by society, etc.
And sometimes we tend to rely too much on what other people think, but ultimately the "honour" that comes from the world is absolutely, 100%, worthless compared to the honour we'll receive on Judgment Day for living the Christian life, and living it well.

Yes, it's so easy to value the world's opinion because gratification is immediate.
If we behave a certain way (despite the fact that it may not be pleasing to God), we get acceptance from certain groups of people.

As much as acceptance by the world feels good, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and to follow Him.

On Judgment Day we're going to have to account for all our actions, and all of us stumble at some point, but do we really want to tell God that we behaved a certain way because we valued the world's opinion over God's opinion?

Ultimately (as hard as it is to practise), Christianity isn't about ourselves, it's about God's will, plan and purpose for the world.

Hope you guys have a good week ahead!
Let's all make a conscious effort to choose what God desires over what our sinful nature may desire sometimes, shall we? :)


(If you guys want to read more I got the commentary from here!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Dear all,
I am posting this on behalf of Wee Theng, its a list of friends and relatives that people in the cg today wrote down whose salvation they would like to pray for. I guess as a cg we should and can help each other to pray for these people, who we hold close to our hearts:

Ying Jie
Wang Shen
Jun Yong
Jun Quan
Giem Teck
Li Ying
Khoon Hwee
You Kuan
Ming Jie
Jun An
Hui Yi
Kuan Wei
Jing Wen
Ci Hui

Also family members:

Wee Theng's mother - Lim Soo Khim

father - Tan Kee Chai

and brother - Tan Wee Seng

My very own father - Terence Teoh

And also mentioned but not in name, but no less important, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunties and cousins of various people in the cg.

I am so terribly sorry if I have made any errors in the list above. Feel free to edit and add any names that you wish if I, or you have missed any out.

May we never forget these people and never give up on them, no matter how tough it may get. I pray that we will keep praying for them, and that God will give us the strength, wisdom and courage to do what we need in order to win them for Christ.



Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

The evangelistic message

1. God

- Who He is, His standards
- God created us and has an absolute claim on us

2. Sin

- Man's rebellion (Our rejection of Him as God)
- We sin continually and are sinners by nature
- Sin is an offence against God and has disrupted our relationship with Him
- Nothing we do ourselves can put us right with God again
- We will have to face judgement and punishment for sin
- The emphasis of the gospel is not about making one's life better, but rather, restoring our relationship with God

3. Christ

A. The person of Christ
- Jesus was the son of God, risen Lord and perfect saviour

B. The work of Christ
- Jesus became man
- Lived a blameless life
- Died on the cross as an atonement for the sins of those who receive Him
- Raised and ascended to heaven

We must be careful to present BOTH the person of Jesus Christ as well as his work. Man is called to believe both upon Him and His work.

4. A summons to faith and repentance

- Both faith and repentance are acts, not just feelings
- Faith: casting oneself completely on Christ and the promise of mercy he gives to believers
- Repentance: A change of mind and heart with a new life of denying self and serving God instead
- Conversion can be called a turning: away from sin and to Christ
- We must accept Christ as both saviour and Lord

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

5 Things We Can Mistake for Evangelism

1) Imposition

We mistakenly take evangelism to be manipulation. But that's what the world says. In truth, we're not trying to impose our beliefs on anybody. Biblically, we can't impose our beliefs on anybody. Force and coercion cannot finally bring about the change that God demands. You can't expand Christianity by the sword. Evangelism is not some sort of intellectual imposition.

To believe that something is true and to share that with others is not coercion. We don't impose when we evangelize. We freely offer it to all and do not, cannot, force it on anybody.

2) Personal Testimony

A personal testimony is a wonderful thing. The Bible is full of examples of it, and we should testify to the wonderful experience of receiving God's mercy.

But consider John 9 and the man born blind. He gives his testimony but doesn't even know who Jesus is. His words glorify God, but they don't present the gospel. This is not evangelism.

Unless you're explicit about Jesus Christ and the cross then it is not the gospel.

3) Social Action / Public Involvement

Mercy ministries display God's kindness, and they are good and appropriate for the Christian to do. But such actions are not evangelism. They may commend the gospel to others, but only if someone has told them the gospel. They need to have the gospel added to them. Helping others or doing our jobs well, whatever they are, in and of themselves are not evangelism.

4) Apologetics

Apologetics are valuable, but they have their own set of dangers. You can get bogged down in talking about purely intellectual or peripheral matters and never get to the gospel.

It's fine for us to talk with unbelieving friends about questions that they have, but our attempts to try and answer them without setting the gospel as the foundation does no good. Jesus must set the agenda for evangelism.

5) The Results of Evangelism

2 Corinthians 2:15

For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16 to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things?

Note that the same ministry has two different effects. It's like the parable of the soil: same seed, different results.

We cannot finally judge the correctness of what we do by the immediate response that we get. The need for numbers puts an unnecessary stress on pastors and misunderstands the way that God saves.

We must practice our ministries realizing that some of us will be like Adoniram Judson or William Carey, who had no converts until after seven years of faithful gospel ministry. It's a fact that most people don't believe the gospel the first time they hear it.

Don't let the gospel that you preach be molded by what it is that gets an immediate response. Preach the gospel, trying to persuade--pleading for your hearers to believe--but knowing that you cannot convert a person. And then let God do with it what he will. He alone can call the dead to life. The gospel is powerful, and God is committed to using us to spread this good news.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Lady Gaga - Judas

I had the great misfortune of hearing of the song Judas from Lloyd, who told me he was horrified at the lyrics. I went to search for it myself and yep... I see why he had that reaction to the song. So Gaga basically sings about how in love with Judas she is and wants to do things like washing his feet with her hair. See the reference?

I think we really need to be careful about the kind of things we listen to, and even associate ourselves with. I know it may seem a bit extreme to avoid a certain artist just because of 1 song which mocks our faith, but really... how can you allow a saviour who gave his life for you be "cheapened and degraded" in such a way? I cannot stomach it.

I hope we can all start to be more discerning about the kind of artistes we admire. What sort of associations do they bear? What kind of values do they promote? What sort of songs do they sing? Remember our call to be "blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation". Our friends are watching us closely. Are we being witnesses and testimonies of Christ?

I think it's time to take a stand for our God.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wefc toilets

Being totally random here, but these are out new church toilets (:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Psalm 139

There are days when I just feel too tired or too ashamed to face God. So I try to put off making things right with Him; I try to hide. Well, of course we know we can't actually hide from God. It's kinda like the ostrich with the head in the sand. We think that just because we don't see Him, He's not there. Doesn't quite work like that.

A while back, I was trying to avoid God yet again, when this psalm came to mind. And I just prayed for forgiveness immediately. So now, I'm trying to memorise this Psalm in case my unfaithful heart ever decides to go into hiding again. It's a beautiful Psalm, a reminder that we can never flee from God...

1 O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
5 You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.
7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,"
12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feedback about CG

Yesterday we spent sometime reflecting on the things that we liked about CG, and the areas we felt we really needed to work on. Below is the list we came up with. I'm glad everyone shared honestly. Hopefully now that we've laid them out, we can really keep ourselves (and each other) in check, and really strive to improve things. As I mentioned, coming for Cg is not just about receiving but giving as well. We come to learn and teach, to be cared for and to encourage. I've been praying for us, that God will reveal our weaknesses and give us the power to improve on them. Do pray along with me. 

Things we like about CG:

The fellowship, dinners, outings and games
Being able to share with one another
Bible study is deeper, more meaningful, applicable and there's always something new to learn
Worship sessions
Members are fun and interesting

Things we dislike about CG:

Cliques (though slightly better now)
Noise at inappropriate times
The irregular attendance
Spiritual state of the CG doesn't seem as good as it should be for long-term Christians as ourselves
How we place other things before Christ
Lack of heart for evangelism
We are not serious enough about God
We don't approach other people (people outside our cliques or new people) and talk to them more
Bible Study can sometimes be dry
Our attitude towards God (like our conduct)
Our attitude towards Bible study

Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm reading this amazing book. It's basically talking about our responsibility as Christians to share the gospel even though it is God who does the work of converting the people we're sharing with. The danger for us is either to assume that we are the ones doing all the work, or take the other extreme, which is to assume God does everything and we needn't do anything. The book teaches us where our human responsibilty lies in light of God's ultimate sovereignty.

Evangelism is something that I'm starting to feel more and more strongly about. I wish I had caught the passion earlier, in my secondary school days. There's so much I would have done differently then. I would have tried to be a better example of Christ, to care more for those who were the "outcasts". I wish I could have been a better instrument for God in winning souls to Him.

How can we not care about the souls beside us that are perishing? We need to reflect on how we've been living our lives. Are all our ambition and goals worldly ones? We need to realise how temporal everything is and learn to refocus everything on God. A real Christian dies to himself the moment he receives Christ. This is what it means for us to carry our cross. We die to self-centredness.

I am excited for youth alpha and the potential that it has. But there's no point in me being excited if no one is going to do anything. Everyone needs to catch the passion for the lost. I am really hoping and praying that as a CG, we can humbly come before God and present ourselves to be used by Him in evangelism.

So the quetion is: have you been praying for the friends you're thinking of inviting?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Answers book

Anyone wants to borrow this? Chim and sciency answers to questions about Christianity. David?

Monday, March 21, 2011

A date by the reservoir

It was nice. Can we do it again sometime? Oh yea. I'm sentimental like that.


Thanks for the photos Marcus. I absolutely love them. You shall be our designated CG photographer. Says I.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chee ko peh cookies

Thank you for coming over, Kai Li, Grace and Nadia! I had fun baking the rather fail Chee ko peh cookies. It's a long story... Ask Grace. Anyway, if ever we do try again, it's gonna taste a whole load better...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hi Cg...I just wanna share dis wit all of u tho it's really late...but can't wait for tml:):) hee...I m attending dis ltp every tue...but dis afternoon I don't feel like gg due to e overwhelming stress I'm facing in sch. Had so many project till I'm so confuse abt all my project mates...but just right after I msg my fren dat I'm not gg ltp...this Christian sitting next to me suddenly, out of e blue, shared wit me abt the church camp she served in last weekend...she told me she was so stressed den cos she haven't finished her assignment...but God assured her that he will be her shelter and be there for her. She then took out her bible and shared dis verse wit me. Right at that moment I suddenly felt like crying...not cos I'm sad or guilty, but I felt the warmt of God and how he gently correct me...I truly thank God...I'll describe that moment wit all of u when I c ur again...SMS cannot explain it all:) so in e end I decided to go for ltp:) I'm still really stress but I'm assured God is wit me...He is Dere for all of u too...enjoy ur hols

Wee Theng 

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Big Picture Conference - Uncovering The Bible's Big Picture

Hi everyone,
The author of one of my favourite Christian Books is coming to Singapore for a conference! Vaughan Roberts wrote the book: God's Big Picture and it puts the whole Bible into perspective and helps you see the old and new testament in one storyline. The book helped me a great deal. I'll be going for it and I really recommend you guys to sign up if you're free! Details below:
Uncovering The Bible's Big Picture - Evening Talks for All
Speaker: Vaughan Roberts
12 & 13 April, 7-10pm
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church
$20 Early Bird / $30. ($15 for 1 evening
Ever wondered how the Old Testament temple is relevant to worship in the New Testament age? Or how stories about Israel, her kings, priests and prophets are related to Jesus, the Messiah for all nations? What are the links between Abraham and David, Moses and Malachi or Adam and Jesus? The BPC aims to help all Christians understand the one storyline of the Bible from creation to new creation. This storyline makes us better bible readers by challenging us to read the various parts of the Bible in the light of the Bible's big picture. The bottom line is a more coherent understanding and deeper appreciation for what God has done, is doing and will do in history.

Whether you are a seasoned pastor-teacher, a sunday school teacher, a parent wanting to teach the Bible to your children or simply a Christian who longs to know God and his purposes from the Bible, BPC is for you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pastors at work

Ever wondered what the pastors do at work?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hello people, thanks so much for coming for the gig with me. And, ahem, I'm really sorry I got the time wrong. I'm a real failure at leadership... But I enjoyed the conversation!!! (minus David's dreadfully long movie synopsis)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jie's Gig next sat evening?

Jie will be playing a short outdoor gig next sat at the Esplanade. Free! I'll be going and I think some of you are interested. Its around 6-7pm. Let me know if you can come. It'll be fun. You're 16 (almost), live a little!


Roles in CG

Secretary: Xin Ting
Bible Study: Nadia, Grace
Birthdays: Patrizha, Brandon
Worship: Ian, JC
Evangelism: Zenas, Ryan
Girls IC: Celestine
Boys IC: David
Events/wellfare: Marcus, Amanda (team: Eve, Joshua, Hao Jie, Kai Li)

For those who are not sure what your role involves, please ask me or Wee Theng!


Youth alpha in CG

Hi, for those who didn't come for Cg last sat, we were announcing that this year, Youth Alpha will be conducted on a CG level. Meaning for about 12 weeks or so mid year, we will be covering topics which are very suitable for non-believers to come for to find out more about God. Its an amazing opportunity to invite our friends. To be honest, I'm really really excited about it. I can't think of a better time to start now that you're sec 4 and going to leave your secondary school soon. If you're reading this now, and not at all excited about God using you to bring salvation to your friends then I really want to reflect about the kind of Christian you are. We don't receive salvation just so we can selfishly keep it to ourselves. We are expected to share this gift! Catch the passion!

It's really good that we can start this early, because it gives us time to prepare ourselves and work towards out goal. Be more sensitive to the people in your class. Start looking for friends you want to invite and be praying for them. Look out for at least 3 friends you'd like to invite. As I mentioned, it doesn't always have to be your closest friend. It could be someone in class who has problems, or someone who's lonely. Start by being an example of Jesus for that friend. Pray for them persistently. Then when the date is cast in stone, we'll send out the invitations together. By God's grace, may we impact the lives of people around us.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mistaken Identity

Hello people,

I was having a Romans class with pastor Edward this afternoon, on the topic of dying to sin and being baptised into Christ Jesus. Pastor Edward told Lloyd and I a story which really helps to explain this:

There was a rich man who while travelling the world, came across a poor village. While resting there, he noticed a poor young boy in the slumps, digging through the filthy rubbish to find something to eat. When he asked about the boy, he was told that the boy was an orphan, left to fend for himself. Pitying the young boy, the rich man decided to adopt him and brought the boy back home, to his mansion. He gave the boy a nice room and good clothes to wear. However, when it came to dinner time, the boy was nowhere to be found. Worried, the rich man sent his servants off to look for the boy. They eventually found the boy outside the mansion, digging through the rubbish, in search of food for dinner.

Just like the boy, many of us have been rescued by God from the chains of sin in order to live a new life, yet we foolishly continue in our sinful ways. In Romans 6, Paul said "How can we who died to sin still live in it?" The moment we received Jesus Christ, our old self was crucified with him in order that we would no longer be slaves to sin. Our bondage to sin is broken, we have been set free! Now, you no longer face the fear of being condemned by the law. Rather, you are given the freedom and power to be like Christ.

Let's not live a life of mistaken-identity. We have been saved so that we should be free from sin and more like Christ. The first step to doing that is simply understanding the significance of this truth. We are to CONSIDER OURSELVES DEAD TO SIN. Remember, we still face the pressures of sin, but we are master over the sin, not the other way around. We've been adopted into God's family just like the young boy was, and equipped (by the Holy Spirit) to live out his standards. Let's live up to this new identity we've been given.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

You don't know how many years it took me to realise that it was Valentine's Day, not Valentimes Day.

For quite a few years, my friends and I would spend Valentines Day together. We'd prepare a picnic. (By picnic, I mean it more like alfresco dining... because our food, was a spread) We'd whip up pasta, lamb, soup, fruit tarts. Then we'd drive down to the reservoir, set up a table beside the water, put on some candles, get the wine out and enjoy the dinner. I guess we stopped because we all got busy. But I miss those days.


Bible study on Romans

Dear CG,

for those who do not know, I've actually decided to meet up with Ryan and Zenas apart from cg time to groom them as leaders. (I would like the rest of you take the time to consider if you'd like to be working toward a similar goal as well. Do let the leaders know if this is something you are considering) At first, I was thinking of just doing the book of Romans with zen and Ryan alone. But after thinking about it, I decided that I shouldn't bar anyone else who has the sincere desire to study the book from coming for the extra lessons. So this is an official invitation for you guys to join for the Romans classes. Romans bible study will be twice a month which leaves me one session a month with Zenas and Ryan alone.

I have very simple but specific requirements if you'd like to join the classes:
You are expected to come regularly once you've committed yourself to the lessons (unless you have a genuine reason not to)
You are expected to do all the homework involved
You must have the desire to learn and grow

I don't mean to discourage you from coming. I would love it if everyone was interested. It's just that I want the classes to consist of focused disciples studying God's word passionately. My demands are not that you already know God's word so well. My demands are that you have a heart to learn.


Germaine's short film

Check out my video!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good morning saints, remember how I said I would annoy you with my never ceasing-messages? It's been a while since I did the quiz thing. And you're probably too old for this but whatever... 1. Under which king did Israel split into the northern and southern kingdom? 2. How did Eli the priest die? 3. Which king went to see a witch to ask to talk to a dead prophet? First to answer correctly gets something. Enjoy your day at school!


A very wise leader once told me (this was a few years back) that a leader has to love the members so much that even if the leader reprimands them, he or she'd still be understood to be showing love. I've always remembered this, not that I've been able to practice it fully. I hope you guys remember this if you become leaders.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello world. Studying the book of Romans now, I'm once again reminded of the 3 tenses of salvation that God gives us. Past salvation: justification. This gives us the security that we have been saved from eternal condemnation. Future salvation: glorification. This refers to our future at the end of time when we will be fully released from the presence of sin. Finally, the most applicable salvation, present salvation: sanctification. God gives us the Holy Spirit, which gives us the power to overcome the present sins in our life. Make no excuses today, ask the spirit to help you overcome sin. What a glorious gift God has given us. It's an amazing truth, the knowledge that we have been Set free from the power if sin. Now, present yourselves as slaves to righteousness instead of slaves to sin. Have a good day in school :)

Monday, February 7, 2011


I went for my friends's Chinese new year dinner and met a Malay friend of mine. Talking to Malays never fails to remind me how much in common our religious roots are. I've recently had more of an urgency in wanting to evangelize. But it's such a scary thought. I keep reminding myself of the Romans verse: I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of salvation. Sometimes I almost feel guilty sharing because I think it's something people dislike listening to. I need to be bolder and more proud of the good news. I want to be more gospel conscious in life, to source out for opportunities more, to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting, and to go out of my way to share. I was really challenged by how Zenas is already sharing the gospel in his class and I've been inspired to ask God to work more through me in this area.

I'm looking at 2 channels to explore. One is the internet (through forums and such) and the other is local missions, talking to foreigners in Singapore. Since there seem to be more and more Chinese nationals in Singapore, I've decided to brush up on my Chinese. Anyone willing to help go through the book with me? There are too many words I don't get... (This is a genuine request btw, though why is it that I'm already half expecting no one to reply?)


Friday, February 4, 2011

New books

Hello people, I recently bought 2 new books which I think may be quite good for teens ur age. Reason to believe ($18) is on apologetic, answering (in a simple and understandable manner) the basic questions that most non-christians or skeptics have. The other book, can I be sure I'm saved ($10) answers the important question that most Christians have. I myself struggled with the concept of salvation for the longest of times.

Let me know if you would like to buy or borrow any of the books. They come highly recommended by me:)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Wish the rest of you could be there...

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sometimes, I have to tell myself not to make CG my Idol. Because I think I do, at times. I really enjoy your company. I like talking about random things and discussing hypothetical situations as if they'd really happen. I like all your lame jokes and embarrassing behaviour.

I know you guys are 8 years younger and all, but I think you've become my best friends in church. Before, I had to bear the awkwardness of having no one to talk to after service; no one to have lunch with. (People would give me pity-talk) Now, I look forward to meeting you all every week. I feel like I'm a part of something. I know that at some point, I have to let go and move on. But in the meantime, I'm gonna appreciate every moment I spend with you.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Becoming a New Creation

As Christians, we are new creations. Our hearts of stone have been turned into hearts of flesh. In this metaphor, flesh is used as a positive figure, not a pejorative one. Where once my heart was cold and recalcitrant, dead and inert to the things of God, now it throbs and pulsates with spiritual life. Once I was biologically alive but spiritually dead. Now I am biologically alive and spiritually alive as well. I am a new person.
There is radical discontinuity between my new self and my old self. This radical discontinuity, however, is not total discontinuity. A link between the old man and the new man remains. The old man has been dealt a mortal blow. His total destruction is certain, but he is not yet dead.

The conflict of the Christian life is a struggle with sin. Sin no longer has dominion over us if we are in Christ, yet sin is still in us. Regeneration liberates us from the bondage of original sin, but our corrupt nature is not totally annihilated this side of heaven.

Paul speaks of the warfare that goes on between the flesh and the spirit. “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish” (Gal. 5:17).

Coram Deo

Thank God for the new heart of flesh He has implanted in your spiritual being.

Passages for Further Study

Galatians 5:16–17
2 Corinthians 5:17


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Germaine's life

I believe most of you know by now that I'm on a church internship. But do you know exactly how I spend my time? Let me enlighten you. 

I'm now on my third week of my attachment in church. (Can't believe how fast time passes) There are only 2 of us on this attachment, Lloyd and I. Pauline comes in once in a while for our missions class but she doesn't stay in full time with us. Most of our time is spent readings books or notes, doing homework and meeting the pastors for our personal classes.( This personal time with the pastors makes me feel really important... or like I'm going for counselling, hmm) In any case, I'm really enjoying this luxury of time that I get to concentrate on my study of God. And I get an allowance for it, which is such a blessing.

At the moment, we're learning about Missions, studying the book of Romans and reading and discussing the biography of a great Missionary, Hudson Taylor. Actually the story of Hudson Taylor is really cool. You should read about how he sacrificed so many of his priviledges and went through hardships just to prepare himself to be a missionary in China. He couldn't afford a Chinese textbook or dictionary so he started compare brief chinese verses with the English ones and made his own dictionary. He studied Chinese by himself. (SHAME ON ZENAS AND I...) Hudson Taylor lived a simple life also because whatever he didn't spend on himself could be used for God's work. Reading his story made me feel really guilty about wanting an iphone4. I think it made me question whether the way I spent my money was pleasing in God's sight, seeing that any money I have does not really belong to me but to God.

Last thursday, Lloyd and I went to Evangel Kindergarten to watch Pastor Vernon tell the kids Christian stories. It's really amazing to see how even at such a young age, these kids can get a chance to learn about the true and living God who loves them. It's such a wonderful ministry. Tomorrow, Lloyd and I are getting our feet wet by doing the story telling ourselves. I got assigned with teaching about the birth of Christ and I'm still racking my brains trying to figure out how I'm going to explain the pregnancy of Mary by the Holy Spirit and how Joseph almost divorced her to the k2 children.

Hope you're enjoying school as much as I am enjoying my attachment. (Though highly unlikely, I know) Remember to glorify God in every thought, word and action.


Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't know how to have QUIET TIME?

One of my biggest worry for the CG is the lack of quiet time we each have with God. Even for myself, it's really a struggle. I know that for some, you may use the excuse of not having enough time or not knowing how to do it. Come on, we know that the lack of time is no excuse because we all have half an hour to spare. You just have to deliberately make time.

For anyone whose excuse is not knowing how, I have a suggestion. Start with the book of  John and work your way down the New Testament. Read at least one chapter a day. After reading, pray about it, then write down a summary and reflections in your journal. I can promise you that doing this would be the start of a deepening relationship with God your Father.

If you don't spend your own quiet time with God, no amount of CG is going to help you grow closer to God. You need to start letting God reveal Himself to you rather than depending on the leaders to teach you about Him.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our Identity in Christ

by Kevin Struyk

Remembering all the personal identification numbers, passwords, login names, ID cards, and the like that are a part of my everyday routine gets tiring. In order to conduct any business on the Internet, enter my residence, pay bills, access email, or enter my gym, I either enter a plethora of keystrokes or flash one of my various ID cards. Despite these little inconveniences, it is a relief to know that there are still a few places such as the homes of friends and family and the church where “secret handshakes,” ID cards, and special personal identification numbers are not required. In these places, my status as a friend or family member is the one thing that allows me access into each particular fellowship.

For believers to fellowship with God, His Son — Jesus, had to suffer and die on the cross. After He breathed His last breath and yielded up His Spirit, “the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom” (Matt. 27:51). This curtain referenced in Matthew and Mark probably refers to the inner curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place (see also Ex. 26:31ff). On the Day of Atonement, only the high priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place. Here he would sprinkle the blood of a bull and goat on and in front of the mercy seat to atone for the sins of Israel (Lev. 16:14­­–15). However, once the curtain was torn in half, access to God was no longer for the high priest alone, but for all believers.
Those who trust in Jesus Christ are essentially washed clean from their sins by the blood of Jesus. Not only that, but the benefits of Christ’s perfect life are imparted to the believer. As a result, we have a status as sons of God (Gal. 4:5). I know there are no cards for Christians that identify us as, “sons of God with full access to the Father,” but it might be a good reminder for some if we had them.

It is a tremendous blessing to approach the throne of God in prayer and worship. Too often, however, we forget that the “clearance” we’ve been given came not of our doing but of Christ’s doing. His steadfast love for us meant the giving up of His life — a life lived in perfect obedience to God’s law — so that we would not experience eternal separation but everlasting fellowship with Him. The next time you type in a password or flash an ID card, think of the gift you have been given — full access to God the Father, Ruler over all things.

Monday, January 10, 2011

God in the midst of school

Hi Effervescence,

School has started. Unfortunately. I know things have been tough, and homework piling up. I hope that in the midst of all the stress, you can still allow God to be at the centre of everything. I don't just mean spending some time with Him or thinking about Him once in a while... What I mean is that He should be the very reason why you do anything. If you haven't even been spending time with God, what are you waiting for? Start now!

This year, we're going to try to encourage evangelism as a lifestyle. What this means is that if you are going to share the gospel with the people around you, you've got to make sure you're living a life worthy to the gospel, a life that glorifies God. Please pray about this, ask God to show you all your flaws and work on them. I know some of the common ones among teens are: Laziness, dishonestly, pride, being critical, being unloving... Remember that as Christians, we are to present our members (body) to God as instruments of righteousness. When our friends look at us, we want them to see Christ displayed in us.

I have been praying for you all individually. Please message Wee Theng and I if you have any other prayer requests for yourself or others.


In His love and mine,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Watchnight 2010

Dear Effervescence,

I was really happy about the watch night session we had yesterday. I never thought we'd have such a long time of worship, prayer, reflection and sharing, but I'm so thankful to God that we did. Wee Theng and I had been praying for the CG the days leading to it, and I do feel that the Holy Spirit was working in the midst of things.

Thank you all for taking the responsibility of leading one song each, it was really heartfelt. Then we had our time of reflection and sharing and honestly, never in my life, has sharing ever taken that long! But it was great to hear your heartfelt reflections. I was really encouraged at how honest you all were, even in things you were not proud of. I thought it was good how you all were willing to humble yourselves and do some honest self-evaluation. I think we were really reminded in the ways that we are lacking and I hope we will press on to improve on those areas with God's help.

We wrote our goals for the next year and put them in a box. I'll wait to collect them from the rest of the CG before sealing it up. We'll be opening that next year to see if we've fulfilled them. Lastly, we ended the year off by writing encouragements in one another's notebooks. (Even for those not around!) I was actually afraid that you were all going to be very half-hearted about it but I was wrong. You really put in the effort to write such encouraging messages...

Our worship wasn't perfect, our sharing was uber long, but I couldn't have asked for a better watch night. I really thank God, with all my heart, for how yesterday went. It's so amazing to see you all grow closer to God, and to want to glorify Him more. I just pray that this zeal doesn't get diminished in the midst of the busy start of school. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.

In His love and mine,